Opening day of deer season in Minnesota is just a little over a week away. This weekend is a great time to clean out your blind so that you can be ready to go on opening day. It should be part of your pre-season checklist just like checking your equipment, registering for your license, and getting your tags. If you use your blind year-round, hopefully you’ve been maintaining and cleaning it already, but if it’s been in storage, now is definitely the time to check it. We’ve got some tips below on how you can clean and maintain your Stump blind.

1. Add Wall Insulation

You can add our Wall Insulation to any Stump blind, there’s an option to fit each and every Stump model. You can easily attach the insulation with the adhesive on the back of the squares. The Wall Insulation will keep scent inside the blind and will help deaden the sound inside the blind allowing you to converse with your hunting partners freely. The insulation comes pre-installed in the Pro Hunter models, so that’s something to consider when you choose your next blind.

2. Clean Your Blind

Give your Stump blind an overall cleaning before you start using it for the season. You can use our Blind Towel with soap and water or any other non-scented cleaning product you’d like to use. It’s ultra-absorbent, so you can dunk it into soapy water and use it wet, and it’s quick-drying, so you can use it again once it dries to dry off the blind. Scent elimination is important even when you’re not hunting or scouting. Make sure you’re using sent elimination spray on yourself when you clean and use soap and water or an unscented cleaning solution.

3. Prep it for Public Land

You can also take this time to install our Locking Door Handle. If you’re hunting on public land, you’ll want to make sure your blind is secure if you’re able to leave it on the property overnight. Hunting blinds on public land are technically public property, so other hunters could use your blind when you’re not there, enhancing the hunting pressure and potentially alerting deer to human presence if they use your blind without scent control, and possibly damaging your blind. Having a lock on your blind helps ensure that nobody uses your blind when you’re not there. The Locking Door Handle comes with two keys so you can give one to a hunting partner.

4. Replace the Carbon Filter

Check the Carbon Filter in your blind’s vents to see if they need replaced. Having a fresh set of our Carbon Filters in the vents helps ensure that any air leaving the blind is cleared of scent. It’s just another one of the many ways our Stumps blinds help control scent and set you up for a successful harvest.

Checking your Stump blind’s accessories and making sure it’s clean and ready to go before hunting season is a great way to set yourself up for success on opening day. Check on your Stump blind this weekend and get yourself ready to enjoy the start of a new fall deer season.

How do you care for your Stump blind? Are you planning a deep cleaning this weekend? Let us know your steps for product maintenance in the comments below!



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